Tuesday, September 2, 2014


It hasn't been a good week for me so far. For some reason I am getting irritated easily. Work is overwhelming and for little things I want to explode. Sigh. This is not a good feeling.

I need to stay focus.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Batam Day 1

We celebrated Teacher's Day in Batam.
Started off with lunch at the restaurant,  a few team buildings, foot reflexology and body massage. We ended the day with a dinner where we donned in different uniforms of any sort. There was a bunch of primary schoolers, sports uniforms, a flock f SAI stewardess, some chef and even a nun! It was a good night for the staff and we all left with wonderful presents :)

Monday, August 25, 2014


For a week my good friend RK and son Dave stayed with me in Singapore. They are holidaying from Thailand where they live. It was nice to come home to someone, have a conversation over a simple dinner and even just to read beside another as I dozed off to sleep.

The day they left I felt very sad because I am back again to the monotony of being alone. Sigh.